New Chip Could Replace Contraceptive Pill

There is an ongoing effort to improve the range of contraceptive options available for women, but is there a need? The pill, which is taken daily, is thought to be one of the most reliable options, but with it goes the daily responsibility to make sure you take it. With something more permanent, like the coil, perhaps it would be easier for women to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, especially if they are changing sexual partners regularly. The coil and other such more semi permanent options are available but they are a little invasive and many women recoil at the thought. There is a new chip in the pipeline though and it looks set to get people talking about the best most modern way to prevent against pregnancy.

No, it’s not so hard to remember to take a pill everyday, no, it’s not the greatest inconvenience known to women in terms of the array of available contraceptive options. However, when there are three kids hanging out of your ankles, a hectic schedule between work and play, or just vacationing away, it’s not always ideal to have to remember. For women who are too busy or would like the convenience of not having to think about it, and yet feel protected all the time, he idea of a subcutaneous chip that last sixteen years, sounds very exciting indeed.

The chip, all by itself, controls the release of daily doses of the contraceptive and protects the woman from pregnancy without them having to give it a second thought.

This chip will work for roughly half of the average woman’s fertile life without it being removed. Furthermore, it’s easy to stop the action of the chip, via the use of a simple remote control. So, if a woman and her partner want to try for a family, the device can be switched off via remote and simply switched back on again whenever required.

The coil a more invasive equivalent needs to be changed more often and, as mentioned above, is a more invasive operation, with the coil being inserted into the uterus. The chip in this case is inserted below the buttock or near the under arm area.

The chip has been used in conjunction with many other drugs in trial, most especially in osteoporosis patients, for the administering of their treatments. Much to their delight, it has been reported that they forgot the chip was even there.

In this Orwellian technological era, it worries some researchers that the chips could be potentially hacked and that the remote capabilities could well fall into the hands of someone else. Larger studies need to be carried out to test the safety and efficacy of this method of contraception but ironing out these potential problems could present the very welcome, cost effective, and easy to use method of contraception that women have been waiting for. Until then the contraceptive pill is widely available and is the most common form of contraception among women. It is available from a GP and can only be purchased with prescription. Where a repeat prescription is being sought, the pill can be purchase from online clinics or pharmacies that are regulated by the appropriate authorities so you can be sure that you are dealing with legitimate healthcare providers.